What’s been the biggest driver compelling you to create new works over the last year?
I have a general constant need to create. It is like breathing, I cannot exists without it. My new works last year are not compromising and are far more conceptional than in previous years. It was the joy to explore different materials, invent my own techniques and breaking rules. I moved even further into the space between painting, sculpture and installation. I let go of inner restriction and my work became even more impulsive and explorative.
What advice would you give to artists just starting out in how to be a successful artist?
Define what success means to you at where you are in your career. Do not compare yourself to others. Celebrate every small achievement. Do what you think is right. Build a network of a few trusted people who support your cause and are constructive not judgemental. Keep those close. Get to know as many people in the artworld as you can. Join existing networks, such as ArtCan. Have courage to do the work you really want to do.
What do you find most interesting about other Women’s art work?
The female perspective on the world.
Which artists are you watching right now?
A lot, some very established, some mid-career, some emerging. Here are a few:
Kristine Romberg, Stina Wollter , Suchitra Mattai, Katharina Grosse, Chiharu Shiota, Alicia Quade.
What works are you most excited about creating in the near future?
Large objects made from a range of material. This is in continuation of my work “Context in perspective”.
What’s coming up for you in 2022?
More curational work, which nurtures another side of me. And probably the most impacting: having just moved my studio from Berlin (Germany) to Malmö (Sweden), getting to know the art community here. Last but not least: to focus on creating what will be hopefully new and exciting works and to enjoy the process and seeing them included in real life shows.
Are you conscious as an artist, of being a role model for others/ your children/ younger generation?
Only in the respect of showing especially female identifying younger people, that it is always worth following your own path, no matter what.